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UV plasmonic properties of eutectic Gallium-Indium alloy nanoparticles

Time: 2019-09-03

Nanoparticles made of non-noble metals such as gallium have recently attracted significant attention due to promising applications in UV plasmonics.

The research team from RMIT University have investigated the UV plasmonic properties of eutectic gallium-indium (EGaIn) liquid-metal NPs suspended in ethanol and calculated the particles' optical properties by using Mie theory.

In this case, the NPs must be in solution to enable an efficient propagation of ultrasound from the source to the NPs. Importantly, although the plasmonic properties of liquid-metal NPs made of pure gallium are similar, the lower melting point of EGaIn (~15.5°C) compared to pure Ga (~30°C) for example make it more suitable for applications at room temperature. Finally, an increasingly important role of liquid metal EGaIn NPs in stretchable electronic devices and mechanics opens up opportunities to further integrate plasmonics with electronics, optomechanics and electrochemistry at the nanoscale.

Product recommendation:Gallium