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Application of Bismuth Troxide in Fire Retardant

Time: 2019-09-21

Through the flame retardant performance test, thermogravimetric analysis, cone calorimetry analysis and other research methods, the synergistic effect of Bismuth oxide on the flame retardant and smoke inhibition of the cyclic phosphonate flame retardant cotton fabric was investigated. It was found that adding 0.4 g/L of Bismuth oxide to the flame retardant finishing agent can increase the limiting oxygen index of the flame retardant cotton cloth from 43% to 52%; the damaged carbon length is shortened to 5 cm, and the vertical burning reaches the B1 level; It has little effect on the fracture strength. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the addition of BI2O3 further reduced the initial decomposition temperature and maximum pyrolysis rate of the flame retardant cotton fabric, and the carbon content increased at 500 °C. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the cotton fabric was burned after the addition of Bismuth oxide. The carbon is more dense; the Bismuth Trioxide powder has obvious resistance to combustion deformation; the cone calorimetry test shows that the addition of Bismuth oxide not only reduces the total heat release rate of the flame-retardant cotton fabric, but also reduces the total smoke emission of the flame-retardant cotton fabric 60%.

Product recommendation : Bismuth

Changsha SANTECH provides Bismuth Metal Ingot, Pure Bismuth Granules, High Purity Bismuth Needle, Bismuth Metal Powder, Bismuth Trioxide Powder, etc. Please email us if you are interested in our products. Thank you!